Travel Nursing Agencies: 8 Reasons to Get Started With One

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During the COVID-19 pandemic, hospitals faced a serious nursing shortage that lead to a significant increase in the demand for travel nurses. In fact, in 2020, traveling nurses grew by 35%.

These nurses fill short-term roles in hospitals and health care facilities and can travel to hospitals across the hospital. Because they fill short-term roles, they are often hired by staffing agencies rather than a single hospital. 

Do you want to learn more about the benefits of working with travel nursing agencies and becoming a travel nurse? Keep reading these top eight reasons you should find a staffing service to jumpstart your career. 

1. Easier to Filter Your Needs

One of the biggest benefits of using a travel nursing agency is that they help you filter through job options to find one that fits each of your needs. 

For example, you can provide them with information about your availability, experience, pay requirements, and more. Then, they will match you with healthcare facilities that meet your specific needs for work!

This way, you can find a job that fits your current life circumstances. 

2. Scheduling Flexibility

Another significant benefit of finding a travel nursing agency is that they can provide you with scheduling flexibility. As a traveling nurse, they can help you set your preferences for scheduling. 

This includes which times of the year you work, when you want time off for vacations, or even if you want to take a break from nursing for a few months! Nursing agencies can help you coordinate your time off and match you with the right facility to give you the hours you need when you want them. 

3. Higher Pay

One of the primary reasons people become interested in becoming a travel nurse is because you can earn more money. Generally, travel nursing positions pay more than typical staff nursing jobs. 

Not only is the base pay higher, but you can also get stipends, monetary incentives, and even reimbursed travel expenses. Plus, working with a travel nursing agency will make it even easier to find jobs that offer the highest pay options. Agencies will even offer additional bonuses to your other compensation. 

Whether you are trying to pay off nursing student loans or you want money to explore while you are traveling, working with a travel nursing agency can help you do this!

4. Access to Better Contracts

When you work with a travel nursing agency, you will also have access to better contracts for work! As was mentioned before, your agency can help you filter through the available contracts to find something that fits your needs. 

This way, you will never have to settle for a job placement that you aren’t completely satisfied with. Instead, you will always have the pay and the hours that you need from work! 

This will also ensure that you have higher job satisfaction and that you will not get burnt out as easily. 

5. Increased Job Security

You will also have increased job security when you find a travel nursing agency to work with. In general, travel nurses have great job security. They can travel around the country where they are needed most and where there are already nursing shortages. 

However, not every job always has constant demand. If you are looking for a specific type of nursing position, you may not be able to find one that meets your needs. 

When you work with a travel nursing agency, they have the connections necessary to help you find work whenever you need it. 

6. Better Benefits

Travel nursing agencies also provide much better benefits for their employees. When you work in a traditional hospital setting in a long-term role, you may find that your pay and benefits do not meet your needs. 

Part of the ongoing nursing shortage is due to poor benefits, worsening working conditions, and other factors that lead to worse nurse burnout. 

7. Explore New Environments

As a travel nurse, you get to explore new environments! Many people start working with a travel agency because they feel the desire to travel but are unable to do so while they are tied down to their job at a hospital. 

When you work as a travel nurse, you can work anywhere throughout the United States! With travel nursing agencies, you can often choose the locations of your job assignments, so you will get to enjoy your time traveling while you are working. 

This will help you enjoy your free time away from work and will make it easier to explore destinations across the country. 

Plus, many travel nurses use this opportunity to figure out where they want to live and settle down. It gives you a trial period living in a certain state or area so you can find the right place to live!

8. Increased Support

Finally, your travel nursing agency will provide you with increased support when you are transitioning into a new role. When you are starting a job at a new hospital or in a new city, it can be overwhelming if you don’t have coworkers that you know. 

However, travel nursing agencies will provide you with mentorship and a support system throughout the entire process of your new role! 

They are also very responsive, so you can get answers to all of your questions and concerns. Whether you are wondering how to find work as a travel nurse or if you have specific questions about your placements, a nursing agency can help. 

Find Travel Nursing Agencies Today

When you are becoming a travel nurse, travel nursing agencies are essential! They can help you get the best benefits from your positions and will provide you with the job security and support you need as you start your new job. 

If you want to learn more about travel nursing agencies or if you want to know what to look for in travel nursing agencies, Squad Medical Staffing can help! We can help you find the perfect travel job that meets each of your needs. 

Contact us today to learn more about our services!

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